Given the vast number of renewable energy technologies available today, solar technology is one of the most favourable. Solar PV technology is relatively unobtrusive, sympathetic to the surrounding area, works with the natural landform, easy to deploy, commercially proven and reliable whilst making best use of the land and maintaining agricultural use.
The Solar Farm
The proposed solar farm known as ‘Mogullaun Solar Farm’ is to be located in the townlands of Mogullaun, Culleen, Drumline, Crossagh, Lislea, Killula, Ballycar, Rathlaheen South and Ballycasey Beg. It comprises approximately 105ha (280 acres) of agricultural land which is divided by public roads and mature hedgerows.

As part of the proposed solar farm, rows of solar panels will be placed horizontally across the site facing south to absorb energy from the sun to generate clean green renewable energy to help us to reduce emissions, become carbon neutral, and to displace harmful fossil fuels that are having such a detrimental impact on our environment and health.
The rows of panels are not expected to be visible beyond the site’s boundaries which consist of a mixture of dense mature hedgerows and woodland, all of which are to be preserved and further strengthened by additional landscaping planting where required. Several large areas will be kept free from any panels where there are thought to be archaeological remains underground, invasive plant species, and existing wildlife hubs.

At the maximum height, the panels would be approximately 3m above ground level. The modules will be mounted on an aluminium framework making an angled table. Galvanized steel columns will support the table. The mounting columns will be driven into the ground without the need for concrete to ensure the least impact and maintaining the soil structure. The land underneath and in between the arrays will be seeded with a grass mix, whilst the margins will be seeded with wildflower.
The proposed solar farm offers a great potential benefit to local wildlife, resting the land from intensive agricultural practices, avoiding the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers, and providing biodiversity enhancement opportunities.
It will transform this current monoculture grassland into a wildlife sanctuary.
Yes, this site is suitable for a ground-mounted solar project – the topography, ground quality and landscape screening provided by the significant natural screening in the form of trees, hedges and woodlands make it an ideal site. Residential amenity will be protected, and no significant adverse impacts are predicted to occur.
The site is well screened from all directions in the surrounding areas given the mature hedgerows, along with the existing trees and woodlands, as well as the gently undulating landscape, which naturally screens views from the site.
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